What do you think would happen to the rates of photosynthesis of seagrass and algae if their habitat became muddied when channel clearing caused sediment to stay mixed in with the water? Explain.

Less light reaching the plants means less photosynthesis.

1) the plants on the floor wouldn't get as much light, since the tree branches above them "hog" the light and cover the floor in shade. The floor leaves get less light, the canopy get more.

2) Sea grass in muddied water will have the same problem as 1). Their light supply is blocked by the mud, and so light doesn't reach them, so they can't photosynthesis

If the habitat of seagrass and algae became muddied due to channel clearing causing sediment to stay mixed in the water, it would likely affect the rates of photosynthesis for both seagrass and algae. Let's break down how this could happen:

1. Light Availability: Both seagrass and algae depend on sunlight for photosynthesis. When the water becomes muddied with sediment, it reduces the penetration of light into the water column. As a result, less light reaches the seagrass and algae, decreasing their photosynthesis rates.

2. Sediment Accumulation: Sediment in the water tends to settle on the surface of seagrass blades and algae. This can hinder their ability to capture sunlight efficiently and obstruct the photosynthetic process. Thick layers of sediment can smother and physically damage the seagrass and algae, leading to reduced photosynthesis rates.

3. Nutrient Imbalance: Muddy water can result in changes to the nutrient composition in the water. Excessive sediment can introduce extra nutrients or reduce the availability of essential nutrients for photosynthesis. This alteration in nutrient levels can disrupt the balance required for optimal photosynthesis in both seagrass and algae.

4. Oxygen Availability: During photosynthesis, plants release oxygen as a byproduct. When sediment accumulates in the water, it can reduce the diffusion of oxygen into the water, potentially leading to decreased oxygen availability for seagrass and algae. Insufficient oxygen supply can hinder their metabolic processes, including photosynthesis.

In summary, the muddying of seagrass and algae habitat due to sediment from channel clearing can negatively impact their photosynthetic rates. Reduced light availability, sediment accumulation, nutrient imbalances, and decreased oxygen availability are key factors that can hinder their photosynthetic processes.