On the average; glucose (C6H1206) makes up about 0.100% by weight of human blood. How much glucose is there in 1.00 kg of blood?

(0.100/100) x 1000 g = g glucose.


To find out how much glucose is present in 1.00 kg of blood, we need to calculate it using the given information.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
Given that glucose makes up about 0.100% of the weight of human blood, we can convert it to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 0.100/100 = 0.001.

Step 2: Calculate the weight of glucose in 1.00 kg of blood.
Multiply the weight of blood (1.00 kg) by the decimal fraction we obtained: 1.00 kg * 0.001 = 0.001 kg.

So, there is 0.001 kg (equivalent to 1 gram) of glucose in 1.00 kg of blood.