What are the 4 refusal skills

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The four refusal skills are strategies that can help individuals confidently say "no" to peer pressure or unwanted requests. Here are the four refusal skills:

1. Say No: The most basic refusal skill is simply saying "no" and making it clear that you do not want to engage in the requested behavior. Practice saying "no" assertively and calmly.

2. Give a Reason: Sometimes, offering a brief and clear reason can help reinforce your refusal. For example, saying "I can't go to the party because I have an important test tomorrow" can help others understand your decision.

3. Suggest an Alternative: Offering an alternative can show that you are open to other options or compromises. For instance, if someone asks you to go to a party you don't want to attend, you can suggest spending time together doing another activity instead.

4. Leave the Situation: If the pressure continues or becomes uncomfortable, it is important to remove yourself from the situation. Making a graceful exit can help you avoid further pressure.

By practicing and role-playing these skills, you can gain confidence in saying "no" when faced with peer pressure or unwanted requests. Remember that it is okay to prioritize your well-being and make choices that align with your values and comfort level.