Jose has 9 more comic books than Robin.Robin has 5 more comic books than Lee. If jose has 23 comic books,how many comic books dose Robin have? How many comic books dose Lee have?

To find out how many comic books Robin has, let's break down the information given step by step.

1. Let's assume Lee has x comic books.
2. According to the given information, Robin has 5 more comic books than Lee. So, Robin would have (x + 5) comic books.
3. Jose has 9 more comic books than Robin. Therefore, Jose would have (x + 5 + 9) = (x + 14) comic books.
4. It is also given that Jose has 23 comic books. So, we can equate (x + 14) to 23 and solve for x.

(x + 14) = 23
x = 23 - 14
x = 9

Therefore, Lee has 9 comic books.

To find out how many comic books Robin has, we substitute this value into our expression from step 2:

Robin = x + 5 = 9 + 5 = 14

Therefore, Robin has 14 comic books.