Paul's Pizzeria sells 45 cheese pizzas and 20 pepperoni pizzas each week. What is the ratio of cheese pizzas to pepperoni pizzas sold each week by Paul's Pizzeria?

it did not help

45/20 = 2.25:1

9:4 dude hope i helped =]

i think it 9:4 too


To find the ratio of cheese pizzas to pepperoni pizzas sold by Paul's Pizzeria each week, you need to divide the number of cheese pizzas by the number of pepperoni pizzas.

The number of cheese pizzas sold per week is 45.

The number of pepperoni pizzas sold per week is 20.

So, the ratio of cheese pizzas to pepperoni pizzas is 45/20.

To simplify this ratio, you can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 45 and 20, which is 5.

By dividing both numbers by the GCD, the simplified ratio is 9/4.