What is the power of a 900 n force applied over a distance of 40 m for 45 sec? What is the horsepower?

To calculate power, we can use the formula:

Power = Force × Distance ÷ Time

Force = 900 N
Distance = 40 m
Time = 45 sec

Substituting the given values into the power formula, we get:

Power = 900 N × 40 m ÷ 45 sec

To simplify the calculation, we can convert 45 seconds to minutes by dividing it by 60:

Power = 900 N × 40 m ÷ (45 sec ÷ 60 sec/min)

Now, we can calculate the power:

Power = 900 N × 40 m ÷ (45 sec ÷ 60 sec/min)
= 900 N × 40 m ÷ (0.75 min)
= 900 N × 40 m ÷ 0.75
= 48000 Nm/min

To convert Newton-meters per minute to horsepower, we can divide by the conversion factor of 746:

Power (in horsepower) = 48000 Nm/min ÷ 746

Now, we can calculate the power in horsepower:

Power (in horsepower) = 48000 Nm/min ÷ 746
≈ 64.34 horsepower

Therefore, the power of the 900 N force applied over a distance of 40 m for 45 seconds is approximately 64.34 horsepower.