What is the meaning of tonto

In what language?

Any language,pls i really need it urgently



Tankx xo much MRS SUE

To determine the meaning of the word "tonto," we can consult various sources such as dictionaries or online platforms. One popular and reliable resource is an online dictionary like Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. Let's use Merriam-Webster for this query.

Step 1: Open a web browser.
Step 2: Go to the Merriam-Webster website (www.merriam-webster.com).
Step 3: Type "tonto" in the search bar.
Step 4: Click on the search button or press Enter.

Upon searching, Merriam-Webster will provide you with the definition and any relevant information about the word "tonto." It is important to note that "tonto" has different meanings in different languages. In Spanish, it means "foolish" or "stupid," while in English, it refers to a fictional Native American character who is the Lone Ranger's loyal companion.

By using this method, you can find out the meaning of different words, including "tonto."