which of the following expresses 374,274 in scientific notation? 1] 3.74274 x 105 2] 3.74274 x 106 3] 37.4274 x 106 4] 374.274 x 105 5] 3742.74 x 103

To express a number in scientific notation, you want to have a coefficient between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

To start, let's move the decimal point in 374,274 to the left until we have a coefficient between 1 and 10:

374,274 ➡️ 37,427.4

Now, we have a coefficient of 37,427.4, which is between 1 and 10.

To determine the power of 10, count the number of places you moved the decimal point. In this case, we moved it 4 places to the left.

So, the expression of 374,274 in scientific notation is:

37,427.4 x 10^4.

Among the options given, the one that matches this expression is:

3) 37.4274 x 10^6.

To express a number in scientific notation, we need to represent it as a product of a number between 1 and 10, and a power of 10.

Let's examine the options given:
1] 3.74274 x 10^5
2] 3.74274 x 10^6
3] 37.4274 x 10^6
4] 374.274 x 10^5
5] 3742.74 x 10^3

To determine the correct answer, we need to move the decimal point in 374,274 until we have a number between 1 and 10. As scientific notation requires the decimal point after the first non-zero digit, we need to move the decimal point four places to the left to achieve this.

Thus, the correct answer is:
4] 374.274 x 10^5

By moving the decimal point four places to the left, we obtain a number between 1 and 10 (3.74274), and multiplying it by 10^5 gives us the original number of 374,274.