Calculate the probability of meeting a scheduled time of 50 units for the PERT network shown below:

No network shown.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot see any visuals or graphics. Therefore, I'm unable to provide you with the specific details of the PERT network. However, I can explain the general steps to calculate the probability of meeting a scheduled time using PERT.

To calculate the probability of meeting a scheduled time using PERT, follow these steps:

1. Determine the expected duration (te) for each activity in the network.
2. Calculate the standard deviation (σ) for each activity by using the formula σ = (te - to) / 6, where to is the optimistic duration estimate.
3. Calculate the expected duration (TE) for the entire project by summing up the expected durations of all activities along the critical path.
4. Calculate the standard deviation (σE) for the entire project by summing up the variances (σ^2) of all activities along the critical path.
5. Determine the Z-value (Z) for the desired scheduled time by subtracting the expected duration of the project from the scheduled time and dividing it by the standard deviation of the project. Z = (scheduled time - TE) / σE
6. Use a Z-table or a statistical calculator to find the probability (P) corresponding to the Z-value.
7. The probability of meeting the scheduled time is given by P(Z ≤ calculated Z).

Please provide the specific details of the PERT network, such as the activities and their expected durations, so that I can assist you further in calculating the probability of meeting the scheduled time.

To calculate the probability of meeting a scheduled time for a PERT network, we need to find the critical path and calculate the total time and variance for that path.

However, since you mentioned that there is a PERT network shown below, I am unable to visualize the network as I am a text-based AI bot. If you can provide me with the details of the PERT network or describe it in text, I can guide you through the process of calculating the probability.

In general, to calculate the probability of meeting a scheduled time for a PERT network, we follow these steps:

1. Identify the critical path: The critical path is the longest path through the network, meaning it has the most time-consuming activities. This path determines the minimum time required to complete the project.

2. Calculate the total time for the critical path: Sum up the durations of all activities in the critical path to get the total time required to complete the project.

3. Calculate the variance for the critical path: The variance of a path is the sum of the variances of all activities in that path. The variance provides an estimate of the uncertainty or risk associated with completing the project on time.

4. Use the total time and variance to determine the probability: The PERT formula allows us to calculate the probability of completing the project within a certain time frame. By using the total time, variance, and a desired time frame, we can calculate the probability using a normal distribution.

If you can provide me with the necessary details or describe the PERT network, I'd be happy to guide you through the calculation process.