An analysis of variances produce SSbetween = 30, SSwithin = 60, and an F-ratio with df

= 2, 15. For this analysis, what is the F-ratio?

a. 30/60 = 0.50
b. 60/30 = 2.00
c. 15/4 = 3.75
d. 4/15 = 0.27

F ratio = (30/2)/(60/15) = 15/4 = 3.75

To find the F-ratio, divide the variance between treatments (SSbetween) by the variance within treatments (SSwithin).

Given that SSbetween = 30 and SSwithin = 60, the F-ratio is calculated as follows:

F-ratio = SSbetween / SSwithin

Substituting the given values:

F-ratio = 30 / 60

Simplifying the expression:

F-ratio = 0.5

Therefore, the F-ratio is 0.5.

The correct answer is option a. 30/60 = 0.50.

To find the F-ratio, you need to divide the variance between treatment groups (SSbetween) by the variance within treatment groups (SSwithin).

Given that SSbetween = 30 and SSwithin = 60, the F-ratio can be calculated as follows:

F-ratio = SSbetween / SSwithin

F-ratio = 30 / 60

Simplifying further, we get:

F-ratio = 1/2

Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. 30/60 = 0.50