Which of the following is NOT equivalent to 4 × 23c?


c × 23 × 4


4 × c × 23


23c × 4


23 × 4 × c


27 × c

To determine which expression is not equivalent to 4 × 23c, we need to simplify each expression and see if it is equal to the original expression.

Let's simplify each expression:

A: c × 23 × 4 = 92c
B: 4 × c × 23 = 92c
C: 23c × 4 = 92c
D: 23 × 4 × c = 92c
E: 27 × c = 27c

Comparing these simplified expressions to the original expression 4 × 23c, we can see that all options A, B, C, and D are equivalent to 4 × 23c because they simplify to 92c. However, option E simplifies to 27c, which is not equivalent to 4 × 23c.

Therefore, the answer is E. 27 × c is not equivalent to 4 × 23c.