What is the North American Bourgeoisie belief between 1763 and 1783?

Please help me :/

Who were the "North American Bourgeoisie"?

sorry i wrote it wrong who were they ?

To understand the beliefs of the North American bourgeoisie between 1763 and 1783, it is crucial to examine their socio-political and economic context. During this period, North America was heavily influenced by the British colonial rule, leading to increased tensions and eventual resistance that culminated in the American Revolution. The beliefs of the North American bourgeoisie can be understood through the lens of their grievances and aspirations, which were shaped by various factors including Enlightenment ideals, economic interests, and desires for greater political autonomy.

To delve into the specific beliefs, it is helpful to consult primary sources from the period, such as political tracts, pamphlets, letters, and official documents. These sources can provide insights into the bourgeoisie's mindset during this transformative time. The writings of individuals like Thomas Paine, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson can offer valuable perspectives on the beliefs of the North American bourgeoisie.

Furthermore, examining the broader historical context is crucial. The period between 1763 and 1783 witnessed significant events such as the end of the French and Indian War, the passing of various oppressive British Acts (such as the Stamp Act and the Tea Act), and eventually the Declaration of Independence in 1776. These events shaped the bourgeoisie's beliefs and fueled their desire for political independence, economic liberty, and social mobility.

When analyzing the beliefs of the North American bourgeoisie during this period, key themes emerge. These include:

1. Natural Rights and Enlightenment Ideals: Influenced by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the bourgeoisie believed in the concept of natural rights – fundamental rights inherent to every individual, such as life, liberty, and property. They sought to establish governments based on the consent of the governed, in line with Enlightenment ideals of limited government and individual freedom.

2. Opposition to British Rule: The bourgeoisie strongly opposed the British colonial rule, considering it as oppressive and infringing upon their natural rights. They believed in the principle of "no taxation without representation" and demanded greater political autonomy. This belief eventually led to the American Revolution and the establishment of an independent United States.

3. Economic Interests: The North American bourgeoisie comprised merchants, landowners, and entrepreneurs who sought to protect their economic interests. They desired greater economic freedom, including the ability to trade with other nations without restrictions imposed by British policies such as the Navigation Acts.

4. Social Mobility: The bourgeoisie also aspired to social mobility and the ability to rise within society based on merit rather than inherited privilege. They sought to challenge the aristocratic class structure prevalent in the colonial society and break free from the rigid social hierarchies.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the beliefs of the North American bourgeoisie between 1763 and 1783, it is advisable to explore various primary and secondary sources, including historical accounts, letters, and political writings from the period. These sources will shed light on the specific actions, thoughts, and aspirations of the bourgeoisie during this transformative era.