None of us could possible overlook the ___ error the waiter made in adding up our check



No matter what you may say you cannot ___ me to do something that I know is wrong


Right again!

How can a mind ____ by alcohol make the type of snap decisions needed to drive safely in heavy traffic?


You certainly have a right to cheer for your team but try not to become too _____ and unruly

We cannot allow the lives of millions of people to be ____ by poverty

Because you are working with older and more experienced people you should be ____ witht heir requests and advice

All are right except for partisan. Remember that partisan means biased toward a particular political party's ideas.

To determine if the error made by the waiter in adding up the check is gross, we need to understand the meaning of the word "gross" in this context. In general, the word "gross" can have different interpretations depending on the context.

If you are referring to the error as being "gross" in the sense of being significant or obvious, you could consider the following steps to confirm if the error is indeed noticeable:

1. Review the check: Carefully examine the items listed on the check, the quantities, and the corresponding prices.
2. Calculate the total: Use a calculator or perform the calculations manually to verify the total amount indicated on the check.
3. Compare with expectations: If you had an idea of the expected total before the calculation, compare it with the amount on the check. Assess if there is a noticeable difference between the expected and actual totals.
4. Assess the significance: Determine whether the error is large enough to be considered "gross." This may depend on personal judgment or your specific expectations when it comes to restaurant bills.

Keep in mind that the term "gross error" can also have a more technical or mathematical definition, but in the context of a restaurant bill, it is more likely being used informally to describe an obvious or significant mistake.