How do you graph y=4^x

To graph the equation y=4^x, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a range of x-values that you want to graph. For example, you can choose x-values from -2 to 2.

Step 2: Substitute each x-value into the equation y=4^x to find the corresponding y-values. For example, when x=-2, y=4^(-2)=1/4^2=1/16. When x=-1, y=4^(-1)=1/4. When x=0, y=4^0=1. When x=1, y=4^1=4. When x=2, y=4^2=16.

Step 3: Plot the points (x, y) on a coordinate plane using the x-values and corresponding y-values obtained in the previous step. For example, when x=-2, y=1/16, plot the point (-2, 1/16). When x=-1, y=1/4, plot the point (-1, 1/4). When x=0, y=1, plot the point (0, 1). When x=1, y=4, plot the point (1, 4). When x=2, y=16, plot the point (2, 16).

Step 4: Connect the plotted points with a smooth curve. Since the equation y=4^x represents exponential growth, the graph will increase rapidly as x increases and approach but never touch the x-axis.

Your completed graph of y=4^x should resemble an upward opening curve that passes through the points (-2, 1/16), (-1, 1/4), (0, 1), (1, 4), and (2, 16).