2. The Wilmot Proviso was a proposed amendment to a military appropriations bill that would A. permit the slavery issue to be determined by popular sovereignty.

B. regulate competition between free and slave states.
C. ban slavery in territories acquired from Mexico.
D. establish slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico.

I think it is A or D but I'm not really sure. Could anyone help me?

Read the first paragraph (or more) of this article.


Now what do you think?

So it would be C because he would have ban slavery


A is wrong

1 c

2 b
3 b
4 d
thank me later

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze the Wilmot Proviso in order to identify the accurate statement:

A. Permit the slavery issue to be determined by popular sovereignty.
The concept of popular sovereignty refers to allowing the residents of a territory or state to decide whether or not to permit slavery within their borders. While popular sovereignty was indeed a significant aspect of the slavery debate during this time period, the Wilmot Proviso did not propose that the issue of slavery be decided in this manner.

B. Regulate competition between free and slave states.
Although competition between free and slave states was a contributing factor to the tensions between Northern and Southern states, the Wilmot Proviso was not focused on regulating this competition. It aimed to address a specific issue related to slavery.

C. Ban slavery in territories acquired from Mexico.
This option correctly captures the essence of the Wilmot Proviso. The proposed amendment sought to prohibit slavery in any territories acquired from Mexico as a result of the Mexican-American War, such as the territories of California and New Mexico.

D. Establish slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico.
This option is not accurate. The Wilmot Proviso intended to prevent slavery from being established in the acquired territories rather than establishing it.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. The Wilmot Proviso proposed to ban slavery in territories acquired from Mexico.