A 7410-kg satellite has an elliptical orbit, as in the figure. The point on the orbit that is farthest from the earth is called the apogee and is at the far right side of the drawing. The point on the orbit that is closest to the earth is called the perigee and is at the far left side of the drawing. Suppose that the speed of the satellite is 2840 m/s at the apogee and 8050 m/s at the perigee.

To understand the behavior of the satellite's elliptical orbit, we can use the concepts of conservation of energy and conservation of angular momentum.

1. Conservation of Energy:
The total energy of the satellite in its orbit remains constant. The total energy is the sum of kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). At any point in the orbit, it can be represented as:
Total Energy = KE + PE

2. Conservation of Angular Momentum:
The angular momentum of the satellite remains constant throughout its orbit. It can be calculated as the product of the mass (m), velocity (v), and the perpendicular distance (r) from the center of the Earth.
Angular Momentum (L) = mvr

Now, let's derive the relationship between the speeds of the satellite at apogee and perigee.

At apogee:
The satellite is farthest from the Earth, and its speed is 2840 m/s. Using the conservation of energy, total energy = KE_apogee + PE_apogee.

At perigee:
The satellite is closest to the Earth, and its speed is 8050 m/s. Applying the same conservation of energy concept, total energy = KE_perigee + PE_perigee.

Since the total energy is constant, we have:
Total Energy at apogee = Total Energy at perigee

Now, let's use the conservation of angular momentum to derive the relationship between the distances from the center of the Earth at apogee and perigee.

At apogee:
The satellite is farthest from the Earth, and the distance from the center of the Earth is called the apogee distance (R_apogee).

At perigee:
The satellite is closest to the Earth, and the distance from the center of the Earth is called the perigee distance (R_perigee).

Using the conservation of angular momentum, we have:
Angular Momentum at apogee = Angular Momentum at perigee

m * v_apogee * R_apogee = m * v_perigee * R_perigee

Dividing both sides by m, the mass cancels out:

v_apogee * R_apogee = v_perigee * R_perigee

Now, we have a relationship between the velocities and distances at apogee and perigee. We can use this relationship to solve for the unknown values.

However, the figure you mentioned is missing, so we cannot provide specific values without additional information from the figure.