$9500 is invested part of it at 12% and part of it at 7%. For a certain year the total yield is $960.00. How much was invested at each rate? Please show work



To solve this problem, we can use the concept of mixtures and the formula for the interest earned.

Let's say the amount invested at 12% is x, and the amount invested at 7% is (9500 - x) since the total amount invested is $9500.

We know that the total yield from both investments is $960.00.

Now, we can calculate the interest earned from each investment:

Interest from the investment at 12% = x * 0.12
Interest from the investment at 7% = (9500 - x) * 0.07

According to the given information, the total interest earned is $960.00:

x * 0.12 + (9500 - x) * 0.07 = 960

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x:

0.12x + 0.07(9500 - x) = 960
0.12x + 665 - 0.07x = 960
0.12x - 0.07x = 960 - 665
0.05x = 295
x = 295 / 0.05
x = 5900

So, $5900 was invested at 12% and the remaining amount, which is $9500 - $5900 = $3600, was invested at 7%.

Therefore, $5900 was invested at 12% and $3600 was invested at 7%.