Verify your results of the 2 linear equations by graphing in the desired graphing program and paste the graph in your assignment document (edit/copy image).

35x + 50y = 2220
x + y = 51
y = 29
x = 22

To verify the results of the two linear equations by graphing, you can use any graphing program of your choice. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Open a graphing program on your computer or use an online graphing tool.

2. Set up the Cartesian coordinate system with the x-axis and y-axis.

3. Graph the first equation, 35x + 50y = 2220:
- Start by rearranging the equation to solve for y: y = (2220 - 35x) / 50.
- Plot several points on the graph that satisfy this equation by substituting different x values and calculating the corresponding y values.
- Connect the plotted points with a straight line.

4. Graph the second equation, x + y = 51:
- Solve the equation for y: y = 51 - x.
- Plot several points on the graph using different x values and calculate corresponding y values.
- Connect the plotted points with a straight line.

5. To verify the given values, locate the points (x, y) on the graph:
- For y = 29, find the point on the graph where y is 29.
- For x = 22, find the point on the graph where x is 22.

6. Once you have plotted the two lines and located the points, you can take a screenshot of the graph or use the "Edit/Copy Image" function in the graphing program to copy the graph.

7. Paste the copied graph into your assignment document.

This graph will provide visual confirmation of whether the points (x, y) = (22, 29) satisfy the given equations.