Which of the following words has three syllables

What following words????

To determine which of the following words has three syllables, you can count the number of vowel sounds in each word. For each vowel sound, hold your hand under your chin and feel the movements your mouth makes. Each distinct movement usually represents a syllable.

Here are the words for analysis:

1. Elephant
2. Camera
3. Yellow
4. Computer

To count the syllables in each word:

1. Elephant: This word has three vowel sounds, /ɛ/, /f/, and /ənt/. Hence, "elephant" has three syllables.

2. Camera: This word also has three vowel sounds, /kæm/, /rə/. So, "camera" has two syllables.

3. Yellow: This word has two vowel sounds, /jɛl/ and /oʊ/. So, "yellow" has two syllables.

4. Computer: This word has three vowel sounds, /kəm/, /pju/, and /tər/. Hence, "computer" has three syllables.

Therefore, the words "elephant" and "computer" both have three syllables.