An impulse is sent from the motor neuron to a(n) _____.

sensory neuron?

In the part of the inner ear called the cochlea, receptors convert sound vibrations into nerve impulses.

Involuntary actions are controlled by the ____.
spinal cord?

The __________ consists of all nerves outside the central nervous system.
outside nervous system

__________ include(s) concussions and cuts or other damage to the spinal cord.
Nervous sytem injuries

The retina contains the eye’s light-sensitive cells.

The retina of the eye bends light rays and focuses them.


To answer these questions, we can break down the process of finding the answers and understanding the concepts involved.

1. An impulse is sent from the motor neuron to a(n) _____.
To answer this question, we need to understand the flow of signals in the nervous system. When a nerve impulse is sent from the motor neuron, it usually travels to a muscle or gland to stimulate a response. However, to complete the pathway of the impulse, it needs to reach a specific type of neuron that carries sensory information back to the central nervous system. This neuron is called a sensory neuron.

2. In the part of the inner ear called the cochlea, receptors convert sound vibrations into nerve impulses. True?
To determine the accuracy of this statement, we can recall the structure and function of the inner ear. The cochlea is indeed a part of the inner ear responsible for converting sound vibrations into nerve impulses. It contains tiny hair cells that are stimulated by the vibrations and convert them into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain. So, the statement is true.

3. Involuntary actions are controlled by the ____.
Understanding the control of voluntary and involuntary actions will help us find the answer to this question. While voluntary actions require conscious effort and are regulated by the brain, involuntary actions are automatic and do not involve conscious control. The primary structure responsible for regulating involuntary actions is the spinal cord. It coordinates reflexes and automatic responses without requiring input from the brain. Therefore, the answer is the spinal cord.

4. The __________ consists of all nerves outside the central nervous system.
To determine what the blank space represents, we need to recall the parts of the nervous system and their functions. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, while the peripheral nervous system consists of all the nerves outside the central nervous system. This includes nerves that branch out from the spinal cord and extend to various parts of the body. So, the missing term is the peripheral nervous system.

5. __________ include(s) concussions and cuts or other damage to the spinal cord.
By analyzing the context given, we can understand that the question is looking for a category that encompasses concussions and damage to the spinal cord. Since these conditions involve injuries to the nervous system, the correct answer to fill in the blank is nervous system injuries.

6. The retina contains the eye's light-sensitive cells. True?
To determine if this statement is accurate, we need to recall the structure and function of the retina, which is a layer of tissue at the back of the eye. The retina contains specialized cells called photoreceptors, which are sensitive to light and convert it into electrical signals that can be transmitted to the brain. These signals are then interpreted as visual information. Therefore, the statement is true.

7. The retina of the eye bends light rays and focuses them. True?
To assess the validity of this statement, we need to understand the role of the retina in the eye and the process of focusing light. The retina is responsible for detecting light, but it does not bend or focus the light rays. Instead, the light is focused by the lens of the eye, which changes its shape to adjust the focal length. The focused light then reaches the retina, where it stimulates the photoreceptor cells. Therefore, the statement is false.

By breaking down the questions and understanding the underlying concepts, we can arrive at the correct answers and learn more about the topic in the process.