Determine where the function is concave upward and where it is concave downward.

Concave upward:
A. (-/infty,0)
C.(0, infinity)
D. (- infinity,infinity)
E. (no interval)

Concave downward:
C.(0, infinity)
D.(- infinity,infinity)
E. no interval

To determine where a function is concave upward or downward, we need to find the second derivative of the function and analyze its sign.

1. Find the first derivative of the function.
2. Find the second derivative of the function.
3. Analyze the sign of the second derivative.

If the second derivative is positive, the function is concave upward.
If the second derivative is negative, the function is concave downward.

Now, let's check each option:

Concave upward:
A. (-∞, 0):
To determine whether the function is concave upward or downward on this interval, we need to find the second derivative of the function and see if it is positive or negative. Since we don't know the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

B. (-1, 1):
Similarly, without knowing the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

C. (0, ∞):
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

D. (-∞, ∞):
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

E. (no interval):
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity.

Concave downward:
A. (-∞, 0):
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

B. (-1, 1):
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

C. (0, ∞):
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

D. (-∞, ∞):
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity for this interval.

E. no interval:
Without the function, we cannot determine the concavity.

In conclusion, without knowing the function or having any information about it, we cannot determine where it is concave upward or downward.

To determine where the function is concave upward and concave downward, we need to examine the second derivative of the function equation.

A function is concave upward if the second derivative is positive, and concave downward if the second derivative is negative.

We are given the intervals to choose from, so let's analyze each option:

Concave upward:
A. (-∞,0) - This interval is not included in the given options.
B. (-1,1) - This interval is not included in the given options.
C. (0, ∞) - This interval is not included in the given options.
D. (-∞, ∞) - This interval is not specific enough to determine where the function is concave upward.
E. No interval - This option indicates that the function is not concave upward.

Concave downward:
A. (-∞,0) - This interval is included in the given options.
B. (-1,1) - This interval is included in the given options.
C. (0, ∞) - This interval is not included in the given options.
D. (-∞, ∞) - This interval is too broad to determine where the function is concave downward.
E. No interval - This option indicates that the function is not concave downward.

Based on the given options, we can conclude that the function is concave upward in no interval and concave downward in the interval (-∞,0) and (-1,1).