CALCULATE THE UNIT PRICE for o price at $3.96 17 ounces into cents/ounces

$3.96 = 396 cents

396 cents / 17 ounces is price in cents/ounces

I assume you want to know the price per ounce.

3.96 / 17 = $0.23 per ounce

To calculate the unit price, you need to divide the price by the number of units. In this case, you are given the price of $3.96 for 17 ounces. To convert this to cents/ounce, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the dollars to cents.
Multiply the price by 100 to convert dollars to cents:
$3.96 x 100 = 396 cents

Step 2: Divide the total number of cents by the number of ounces.
Divide the total number of cents (396) by the number of ounces (17):
396 cents รท 17 ounces = 23.29 cents/ounce

Therefore, the unit price for a price of $3.96 per 17 ounces is 23.29 cents/ounce.