What is the hourly growth factor of a bacterium that undergoes cell division every 19 minutes?

Since the population doubles every 19 minutes, the rate of growth is 2^(t/19) where t is in minutes. (Assuming none die.)

To get the growth rate per hour, just adjust t so it is hours:

h = t/60, so t = 60h


To determine the hourly growth factor of a bacterium, we need to calculate the number of times the bacterium undergoes cell division within an hour.

Step 1: Convert minutes to hours.
Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can calculate the number of times the bacterium divides within an hour by dividing 60 (minutes) by the cell division time of 19 minutes.

60 minutes ÷ 19 minutes = 3.16 (approx.)

Step 2: Calculate the hourly growth factor.
To find the hourly growth factor, we need to round the result of step 1 to the nearest whole number. In this case, we round 3.16 to 3.

Therefore, the hourly growth factor of the bacterium that undergoes cell division every 19 minutes is 3.

To find the hourly growth factor of a bacterium that undergoes cell division every 19 minutes, we need to determine how many times the bacterium divides within an hour.

First, we need to convert the time interval from minutes to hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we divide 60 by 19 to determine how many times the bacterium divides in an hour.

Dividing 60 by 19 gives us approximately 3.157. This means that the bacterium undergoes approximately 3.157 divisions in an hour.

Therefore, the hourly growth factor of the bacterium is approximately 3.157. This means that, on average, the population of bacteria is multiplied by a factor of 3.157 every hour due to cell division.