Writing to Explain Draw a decimal model and write 0.78 as a fraction in simplest form.

0.78 = 78/100 = 39/50


78 by 2 =39.100 half is 50.

how to represent 0.78 on a number line

To represent 0.78 as a decimal model, we can use either a grid or a number line. Let's use a grid for this explanation.

Step 1: Draw a grid with 10 equally divided squares, representing the whole number 1.

| | | | | | | | | | |

Step 2: Divide the first square into 10 equal parts.


Step 3: Shade 7 of the 10 equal parts to represent 0.7.

. 7

Step 4: Divide the second square into 10 equal parts.


Step 5: Shade 8 of the 10 equal parts in the second square to represent 0.08.

| . 8

Now, let's convert this decimal representation into fraction form.

Step 6: Count the number of shaded parts, which is 78.

Step 7: Write down the counted number as the numerator over the total number of parts (denominator). In this case, the denominator is 100 because we have 100 equal parts in total (10 squares divided into 10 parts).

Step 8: Simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, the fraction is already in its simplest form.

Therefore, we can express the decimal 0.78 as a fraction in simplest form as 78/100.

It is worth noting that 78/100 can be further simplified, dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor which is 2. The simplified fraction would then be 39/50.

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