Sam and 3 friends ate lunch at Red Lobster. They decided to split the bill evenly. The total bill was $71.80. How much was each person's share?

*Note: Please do not just give me the answer, but also show me how said answer was achieved and the steps to take to get there. Thank you very much.


Okay. I have tried dividing but was unsure of my result. I have now found my error and will redo my division. Then I will let you see my process of what I have done.


This is where I believe I have found my error. This was my work:

3) 71.80
- 69

I have been caught in a place where I am stuck; doomed to repeat the same 23.999...pattern so I do I round it up to_______ or-?

But 4 people are sharing the bill.

Thank you so much! That's right-Sam is paying too! I did not even think of that! I will definitly recommend this site to all of my friends, but in the meantime, I'VE got some math work to do :)

You're very welcome. I'm glad that I could help you.