To add numbers using scientific notation, multiply the coefficients and then add the exponents. true or false


The answer is FALSE.


To add numbers using scientific notation, first compare the exponents. If they are the same, add or subtract the coefficients and keep the same exponent. If the exponents are different, adjust one or both of the numbers so that they have the same exponent. Then add or subtract the coefficients and keep the same exponent. Finally, convert the result back to scientific notation if necessary.

True. When adding numbers in scientific notation, you can follow the steps of multiplying the coefficients (the numbers in front of the exponential part) and then adding the exponents (the powers of ten). This is because in scientific notation, numbers are written as a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. So, adding the numbers in scientific notation involves adjusting the exponents so they are the same and then adding the coefficients together.