One Number Added To Three Times Another Number Is 24. Five Times The First Number Added To Three Times The Other Number Is 36. FInd The Numbers


no your wrong because is (3,7) like steve said

a+3b = 24

5a+3b = 36

4a = 12
a=3, so

steve and lol are the correct onez (3,7)

hahaha it nice im from the futrue

ha i'm more modern...Futureman...hahahaha lolololol

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations. Let's assume the first number is represented by 'x' and the second number is represented by 'y'.

From the given information, we can form the following equations:

1) x + 3y = 24
2) 5x + 3y = 36

To solve this system, you can use the method of substitution or elimination.

Method 1: Substitution

From equation 1, solve for x in terms of y:
x = 24 - 3y

Substitute this expression for x in equation 2:
5(24 - 3y) + 3y = 36

Simplify the equation:
120 - 15y + 3y = 36
120 - 12y = 36
-12y = 36 - 120
-12y = -84

Divide both sides by -12:
y = -84/-12
y = 7

Substitute the value of y back into equation 1 to find x:
x + 3(7) = 24
x + 21 = 24
x = 24 - 21
x = 3

Therefore, the first number (x) is 3 and the second number (y) is 7.

The answer is incorrect it should be (-3,9)

24-36 should be -12