Lake superiorhas a depth of 1.333 thousand feet.there are 5,280 feet in one mile. How deep is Lake Superior?


0. 252 miles



To calculate the depth of Lake Superior, we can convert 1.333 thousand feet into regular feet and then convert it to miles.

1.333 thousand feet can be written as 1,333 feet (since a thousand is equal to 1,000).

Now, let's convert these feet into miles. We know that there are 5,280 feet in one mile, so we need to divide the number of feet by 5,280.

1,333 feet / 5,280 feet per mile = 0.253 miles

Therefore, Lake Superior is approximately 0.253 miles deep.

About 3960.998 thousand feet

1.333 thousand feet = 1,333 feet

1,333 / 5,280 = 0.252 miles
lake superior is 0.252 miles deep

0.252 miles

1.13451839173 miles
