A transformer has 25 turns in the primary coil and 200 turns in the secondary coil. If 12 V is connected to the primary coil and a 20-Ù device is connected to the secondary coil, calculate the current in Amperes passing through the device

The voltage applied to the secondary circuit will be 12*(200/25) = 96 volts

Use ohms law for the device current.

To calculate the current passing through the device connected to the secondary coil of the transformer, we can use the equation:

V_primary * I_primary = V_secondary * I_secondary

V_primary = voltage applied to the primary coil
I_primary = current flowing through the primary coil
V_secondary = voltage across the secondary coil
I_secondary = current flowing through the secondary coil

V_primary = 12 V
V_secondary = ?
I_secondary = ?
N_primary = 25 turns
N_secondary = 200 turns
R_secondary = 20 Ω (device resistance)

First, we need to calculate the voltage across the secondary coil:

V_secondary = V_primary * (N_secondary / N_primary)
V_secondary = 12 V * (200 / 25)
V_secondary = 12 V * 8
V_secondary = 96 V

Now that we have the voltage, we can calculate the current passing through the secondary coil (and the device connected to it):

V_secondary * I_secondary = V_secondary * I_secondary
96 V * I_secondary = 96 V * I_secondary

Since the voltage across the device is the same as the voltage across the secondary coil, we can simplify the equation:

I_secondary = V_secondary / R_secondary
I_secondary = 96 V / 20 Ω
I_secondary = 4.8 A

Therefore, the current passing through the device connected to the secondary coil is 4.8 Amperes.

To calculate the current passing through the device connected to the secondary coil of the transformer, we can use the formula:

I2 = (I1 * N1) / N2

I1 = Current in the primary coil
N1 = Number of turns in the primary coil
N2 = Number of turns in the secondary coil
I2 = Current in the secondary coil (through the device)

I1 = Current in the primary coil = unknown
N1 = Number of turns in the primary coil = 25 turns
N2 = Number of turns in the secondary coil = 200 turns

To find the current in the primary coil (I1), we need to use the transformer's voltage and the resistance of the device connected to the secondary coil.

We know:
Voltage in the primary coil (V1) = 12 V
Resistance of the device (R2) connected to the secondary coil = 20-Ù

Using Ohm's Law:
V2 = I2 * R2

Since V2 and R2 are known, we can rearrange the equation to solve for I2:
I2 = V2 / R2

Now let's calculate I2:

I2 = (I1 * N1) / N2
I2 = V2 / R2

Substituting the values we know:
I2 = (I1 * 25) / 200
I2 = 12 / 20

Simplifying the equation:
I2 = 0.6 Amps

Therefore, the current passing through the device connected to the secondary coil of the transformer is 0.6 Amperes.