give an example of a physical stimulus for touch, sight, and hearing. name the organs this sense is associated with.

When someone hears the ringing of a phone, they're reaction is to pick it up.

A stimulus for touch is a kitten that wants to be petted. It's presence and it's mewing appeal to sight and hearing.

a chicken that we want to eat before killing it and cooking it its quacking is the hearing its presence is the sight while cleaning it this is for touch you can smell it and taste it when its ready

Sure! Here are examples of physical stimuli for touch, sight, and hearing along with the associated organs:

1. Touch:
- Example of a physical stimulus: Feeling a warm breeze on your skin.
- Associated organ: Skin. The sense of touch is detected by specialized receptors located throughout the skin called mechanoreceptors.

2. Sight:
- Example of a physical stimulus: Seeing a bright red flower.
- Associated organ: Eyes. The sense of sight is detected by the eyes through the process of vision. The light that enters the eyes is focused onto the retina, which contains light-sensitive cells called photoreceptors.

3. Hearing:
- Example of a physical stimulus: Listening to music played through speakers.
- Associated organ: Ears. The sense of hearing is detected by the ears through a process called audition. Sound waves enter the ear canal and vibrate the eardrum, which then transmits these vibrations to the cochlea in the inner ear. The cochlea contains tiny hair cells that convert the vibrations into electrical signals, which are then sent to the brain for interpretation.

Remember, these examples highlight the physical stimuli and the organs associated with each specific sense.