The age of ramesh and rahim are in the ratio 5:7. If ramesh was a years oldr and rahim was a years younger,the age of ramesh would have been twice age of rahim.find their age

plz gve me sltn fst

To find the ages of Ramesh and Rahim, let's break down the information given and solve step by step.

Let's assume Ramesh's current age is 5x years and Rahim's current age is 7x years (according to the ratio given).

According to the second part of the question, if Ramesh was a years older (5x + a) and Rahim was a years younger (7x - a), the age of Ramesh would have been twice the age of Rahim.

So we have the equation: 5x + a = 2(7x - a)

Simplifying this equation further:
5x + a = 14x - 2a
Adding 2a to both sides:
5x + 3a = 14x
Subtracting 5x from both sides:
3a = 9x
Dividing both sides by 3:
a = 3x

Now, we have found the value of 'a', which is equal to 3x. Substituting this value back into the equation:

a = 3x
a = 3 * 5 = 15

So, a = 15.

To find the ages of Ramesh and Rahim, we can substitute the value of 'a' back into the original equation:

Ramesh's current age (5x) = 5 * 15 = 75 years
Rahim's current age (7x) = 7 * 15 = 105 years

Therefore, Ramesh is 75 years old and Rahim is 105 years old.

if ramesh=x, rahim = 7/5 x

x+1 = 2(7/5 x - 1)
5x+5 = 14x - 10
9x = 15

so, ramesh is 5/3, rahim is 7/3

if ramesh were 5/3+1 = 8/3, and rahim were 7/3-1 = 4/3, ramesh would be twices as old as rahim.

I think a non-fractional age would have been better. Bogus problem.

ramesh's present age --- 5x

rahim's present age ----- 7x

under the "if" situation:

5x+1 = 2(7x-1)
5x+1 = 14x - 2
x = 1/3

Agree with Steve, silly question