which cultures are most closely aligned in valuing dependence over autonomy? American mainstream and Native American

or Mexican American and Native American

Well, everyone knows Mexican Americans are lazy, and that Native Americans are drunks, and that Mexican Americans are dependent on welfare, and that Native Americans are stubborn.

So have you had any lessons in this course about stereotyping, and generalizations?

I suspect not. You might seek that out, frankly, I am surprised your school gave you a text that supports such sloppy thinking.

To determine which cultures place a higher value on dependence over autonomy, we need to take into account the cultural values and practices of each group. Here is an approach to help you find the answer:

1. Research American mainstream culture:
- Investigate the dominant cultural values of mainstream American society, such as individualism, personal freedom, and independence.
- Look for evidence of emphasis on personal autonomy and self-reliance, both historically and in contemporary society.

2. Research Native American cultural values:
- Learn about the diverse Native American cultures, as there are numerous tribes and groups with distinct traditions and beliefs.
- Examine the importance of community, cooperation, and interdependence within Native American cultures.
- Look for evidence of cultural practices that prioritize the welfare of the group and the collective well-being.

3. Research Mexican American cultural values:
- Explore the values and practices of Mexican American culture, which have been shaped by both Mexican heritage and American influences.
- Investigate whether Mexican American culture leans more towards individual autonomy or collective interdependence.
- Examine the concept of "familismo" in Mexican American culture, which emphasizes strong family ties and collective decision-making.

4. Compare the findings:
- Identify commonalities between Native American and Mexican American cultures that align with valuing dependence over autonomy.
- Assess if these cultural values are more closely aligned when comparing with the values of the American mainstream.

By following this research approach, you will gain a better understanding of the cultural values and attitudes towards dependence and autonomy within American mainstream, Native American, and Mexican American cultures. Keep in mind that cultures are diverse and complex, so there may be variations within each group.