Assignment: Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affects their communities or the nation in general? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view in this issue. Support your problems with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

People should learn to take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or in some cases the whole nation in general. This issue can be viewed on the grand scale and small scale as well. One prime example that was seen in history was during the Revolutionary War that occurred between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain. The patriots had to work together each individual came together to support a common cause, irrespective of government actions. Another example is of local issue, where people can be more responsible is keeping city streets clean, and recycling their garbages correctly, and efficiently with the government not having to hold a hand.
One example that illustrates people did indeed take responsibility for solving problems was during the American Revolution in 1775. The individual people from all over the 13 colonies, from the Northern Colonies, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies all rose together to support once cause. It is completely feasible for individuals to work together to solve a problems that affects their nation. These people were able to come up with their own suitable tactics on how to handle the situation of British oppression. The Americans were faced with a problem, and they make themselves self-reliant, and do not need to look at higher authority for instructions of an sort, then people should and can take the responsibility for solving issues that do indeed affect their nation as a whole.
Another example that supports the idea that people should take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their community is recycling and keeping the streets clean. It is not difficult to place trash in trash receptacles and if each member of the community is able to do that then the problem itself will eventually diminish. No longer would higher authorities such as the government feel the need to interfere with such petty matters that could be handled by individuals in a community. Simply, put if the individuals in a community all participated in recycling programs, then that would eliminate any issues of garbage removal, and jeep city streets clean. If each individual is able to take their own responsibility for actions then indeed problems that affect communities can be easily solved.
People should take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or even the nation in general. One example of the Revolutionary War goes to show, that even history shows that if each individual takes responsibility and through a cohesive effort on everyone's end, solving problems for that nation would be less tedious. Even the example of my neighborhood, if even person became responsible for their actions and recycled properly and efficiently, solving problems for the community would be a piece of cake.

Can someone please critique my essay? Appreciate it.


In today's society, it is crucial for individuals to take more responsibility for solving the problems that affect their communities or the nation as a whole. By actively participating in finding solutions and taking ownership of the issues at hand, people can become catalysts for positive change. This essay will explore why individuals should play an active role in problem-solving, drawing examples from history, local communities, and personal experiences.

Body Paragraph 1: Historical Perspective
One convincing argument for individuals taking responsibility for problem-solving can be found in history, particularly during the Revolutionary War. As the thirteen colonies fought against British oppression, it was the collective efforts of individuals from all walks of life that led to the birth of a new nation. These patriots took it upon themselves to fight for their freedom, bypassing the need for government instructions. This example demonstrates that when individuals come together for a common cause, they can effectively solve problems on a national scale.

Body Paragraph 2: Local Empowerment
Another compelling reason for individuals to take responsibility for solving community problems is the impact it can have on a local level. One such issue that people can address is waste management and littering. By practicing responsible waste disposal and recycling, individuals can contribute to cleaner streets and a healthier environment. By taking personal responsibility for their actions regarding garbage disposal, individuals can alleviate the need for government intervention in such matters. This example demonstrates that if each person in a community actively participates, problems that affect communities can be easily solved.

Body Paragraph 3: Personal Responsibility
On a personal level, assuming responsibility for solving problems can lead to personal growth and empowerment. By actively participating in finding solutions, individuals develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and a sense of agency. This personal responsibility also instills a sense of pride and ownership over the community or nation, fostering a stronger and more unified society. Through my personal experience in my neighborhood, I have witnessed the positive impact that taking responsibility can have on problem-solving within the community. By actively participating in recycling programs and keeping the streets clean, individuals can create a noticeable difference and inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, individuals should embrace their role as active problem solvers within their communities and the nation as a whole. History has shown us that collective efforts can bring about significant change, and on a local level, personal responsibility can contribute to a better community environment. By taking ownership and actively participating in finding solutions, individuals can lead the way towards meaningful progress and positive transformation. It is when individuals come together and take responsibility that we see the most effective problem-solving. Therefore, it is in the best interest of everyone to take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general.

To develop your point of view in this essay, you can use the following structure:

1. Introduction:
- Start by stating your opinion that people should take more responsibility for solving problems in their communities or the nation.
- Briefly mention the examples you will use to support your viewpoint.

2. Example 1: The American Revolution
- Explain how during the American Revolution, individuals from all 13 colonies came together to support a common cause.
- Highlight that they took responsibility for solving the problem of British oppression without needing instructions from higher authorities.
- Discuss how their self-reliance and collective effort proved that individuals can solve issues that affect their nation.

3. Example 2: Recycling and street cleanliness
- Discuss the responsibility of individuals in keeping their communities clean.
- Explain how proper recycling and garbage disposal can be easily achieved through individual actions.
- Emphasize that if everyone takes responsibility for their actions, the community will no longer require government intervention.

4. Conclusion:
- Reiterate your opinion that people should take more responsibility for solving problems in their communities or the nation.
- Summarize the examples you've discussed to support your viewpoint.
- Leave the reader with a final thought on the importance and benefits of individual responsibility.

By following this plan and incorporating reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations, you will be able to construct a well-structured and persuasive essay.