Which propaganda technique is used in this sentence?

Pure, fresh, real apple juice, packaged to deliver the freshness of nature
straight to you.

A snob appeal

B transfer

C bandwagon

D glittering generalities

D, and it's not a sentence.

The propaganda technique used in the sentence is D, glittering generalities. This is because the sentence uses positive and appealing words such as "pure," "fresh," "real," and "freshness of nature" to make the product sound desirable and attractive.

In order to identify the propaganda technique used in the given sentence, we can analyze the sentence structure and content.

The sentence promotes apple juice, emphasizing its qualities of being pure, fresh, and real. It also emphasizes that the juice is packaged to deliver the freshness of nature straight to the consumer.

The propaganda technique used in this sentence is D) glittering generalities.

This technique involves the use of vague, positive-sounding words that lack specific meaning. In this case, terms like "pure," "fresh," and "real" are used to create a positive impression of the apple juice. However, these words are not clearly defined, leaving them open to interpretation.

To answer the question, it is important to understand the definitions and characteristics of different propaganda techniques. By analyzing the language and message being conveyed, we can identify the technique being used.