I drove 843 miles to Florida. On the first day, I drove 483 miles. On the second day, how long did it take to reach florida if the average speed is 60 miles per hour?

(843 - 483)/60 = ? hours

To find out how long it took to reach Florida on the second day, we need to use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

On the first day, you drove 483 miles. Since this is already a given value, we can find the time it took using the formula. Since the average speed is 60 miles per hour:

Time = 483 miles / 60 miles per hour

Now, let's calculate the time it took on the first day:

Time = 8.05 hours or 8 hours and 3 minutes approximately

Since the total distance to Florida is 843 miles, and you drove 483 miles on the first day, the remaining distance is:

Remaining Distance = Total Distance - Distance Covered on the First Day
Remaining Distance = 843 miles - 483 miles
Remaining Distance = 360 miles

Now, to calculate the time it took on the second day, we'll use the remaining distance and the average speed of 60 miles per hour:

Time = Remaining Distance / Speed
Time = 360 miles / 60 miles per hour

Now, let's calculate the time it took on the second day:

Time = 6 hours

Therefore, it took approximately 6 hours to reach Florida on the second day.