The match was played indoors due to the bad weather. (1 point)


Which word are you supposed to identify?

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indoors please help

In this sentence, the word "indoors" is functioning as an adverb.

To identify the part of speech of a word, you can look at how it is used in a sentence and how it relates to the other words around it. In this case, "indoors" describes where the match was played, indicating a location. Adverbs often modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, and in this sentence, "indoors" is modifying the verb "played." It is providing more information about how or where the action took place.

To clarify further, if "indoors" was being used as a noun, it would refer to the inside of a building or enclosed space. If it was being used as an adjective, it would describe a noun, such as "indoor activities" or "indoor sports." However, in the given sentence, it is describing the action of the verb, so it functions as an adverb.