A satellite has a mass of 6179 kg and is in a circular orbit 4.83 × 105 m above the surface of a planet. The period of the orbit is 2.4 hours. The radius of the planet is 4.03 × 106 m. What would be the true weight of the satellite if it were at rest on the planet’s surface?

I only want the formula.

The formula to calculate the true weight of an object on the planet's surface is:

Weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity

In this case, the acceleration due to gravity can be found using the formula:

acceleration due to gravity = gravitational constant x (mass of the planet / radius of the planet^2)

The gravitational constant, denoted by G, is approximately 6.67430 × 10^(-11) m^3 / (kg * s^2).

Using these formulas, you can calculate the true weight of the satellite if it were at rest on the planet's surface.