Chelsea left the White House and traveled toward the capital at an average speed of 34 kn/h. Jasmine left at the same time and traveled in the opposite direction with an average speed of 65km/h. Find the number of hours Jasmine needs to travel before they are 59.4 km/hr

To find the number of hours Jasmine needs to travel before they are 59.4 km/hr, we can calculate the time it takes for the distance between Chelsea and Jasmine to be 59.4 km.

Let's assume the time taken for both Chelsea and Jasmine to meet is 't' hours.

The distance traveled by Chelsea can be calculated using the formula:
Distance = Speed * Time

Therefore, the distance traveled by Chelsea is 34 km/hr * t hours.

Similarly, the distance traveled by Jasmine is 65 km/hr * t hours.

Since they are traveling in the opposite direction, the total distance between them is the sum of their distances:
Total Distance = Distance traveled by Chelsea + Distance traveled by Jasmine

Total Distance = (34 km/hr * t hours) + (65 km/hr * t hours)

We know that when they meet, the total distance between them is 59.4 km. So, we can set up the equation:

59.4 km = (34 km/hr * t hours) + (65 km/hr * t hours)

Combining like terms, we can simplify the equation:

59.4 km = (34 + 65) km/hr * t hours

Simplifying further:

59.4 km = 99 km/hr * t hours

To isolate 't' on one side of the equation, we'll divide both sides by 99 km/hr:

59.4 km / (99 km/hr) = t hours

Calculating the result:

t hours = 0.6 hours

Therefore, Jasmine needs approximately 0.6 hours (or 36 minutes) to travel before they are 59.4 km/hr.

I don't know the answer