A stereo regularly selling for $547 is discounted 11%. What is new sales price?

0.89 * 547 = $________

what is 547*.89?

To find the new sales price after applying a discount, you need to multiply the original price by the percentage of the discount. Here's how you can calculate the new sales price:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
Discount amount = Original price * Discount percentage
Discount amount = $547 * 11% = $60.17 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the new sales price.
New sales price = Original price - Discount amount
New sales price = $547 - $60.17 = $486.83 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the new sales price after an 11% discount is approximately $486.83.