what are some interactions that can take place when a beam of light hits a glass tank and then enters the water

i've been looking for the same answer but all i have for now is "this is due to the bending of light rays ast they move from the water to the air" If someone has more to this question please answer.

Sorry i have no clue bc im looking for the same response!lol

When a beam of light hits a glass tank and then enters the water, several interactions can occur. These interactions involve the properties of light and the characteristics of the materials through which it passes.

1. Reflection: Some of the light may reflect back from the surface of the glass tank. This reflection occurs due to the different refractive indices of air and glass, causing a portion of the light to bounce off.

2. Refraction at the glass-water interface: As the light beam reaches the boundary between the glass and water, it undergoes refraction. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another due to the change in its speed. The direction of the light changes as it enters the water, following Snell's law.

3. Dispersion: When the beam enters the water, the various wavelengths of light may separate slightly due to dispersion. This can be observed as a subtle separation of colors, like a mini rainbow, especially if the light source contains different colors.

4. Total internal reflection: If the angle of incidence is large enough, total internal reflection can occur. This phenomenon happens when light strikes the interface with a medium of lower refractive index (in this case, water) from a medium of higher refractive index (glass). The light reflects back into the glass instead of refracting into the water.

5. Transmission through water: Lastly, a portion of the light will transmit through the glass and then through the water. This transmitted light continues to propagate through the water, potentially scattering or being absorbed by the water molecules depending on its wavelength.

Understanding these interactions allows us to explain the behavior of light as it passes through different materials and helps in fields like optics, photography, and underwater exploration.