what is the worlds greatest invention???

I would say electricty, heating and cooling, cell phone and, the Xbox 360 S

I vote for electricity. Without electricity your other devices are not possible.

Yeah, I didn't think about that. If we didn't have electricity we would be no where in the invention indurstry.

The question of what is the world's greatest invention is subjective and can vary depending on personal opinions and perspectives. Different people might have different ideas about what they consider the greatest invention.

To find out different opinions on the topic, you can conduct research by looking at various sources such as books, articles, surveys, or even asking people directly. This will give you a range of perspectives and allow you to form your own opinion based on the information you gather.

Some commonly mentioned inventions that are considered significant in human history include:

- The wheel: This simple but crucial invention revolutionized transportation and made the movement of goods and people more efficient.

- The printing press: Invented by Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press revolutionized the spread of knowledge by making it faster and more affordable to produce books, newspapers, and other printed materials.

- Electricity: The discovery and utilization of electricity have had a profound impact on modern society, powering various devices and revolutionizing communication, transportation, and industry.

- The internet: This global network of interconnected computers has transformed the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business, making it one of the most influential inventions of recent times.

Again, it's important to note that the concept of the "world's greatest invention" is subjective, and different people may have different opinions on the matter.