The cell wall plays a significant role in maintaining turgor pressure in plant cells. Turgor pressure is the pressure exerted by the fluid inside the plant cell against the cell wall. It helps maintain the structural integrity and rigidity of plant cells.

Now, let me explain how the cell wall helps with turgor pressure.

1. The process starts with the accumulation of water inside the plant cell. Water enters the cell through osmosis, moving from an area of lower solute concentration (outside the cell) to an area of higher solute concentration (inside the cell).

2. As the cell takes in more water, the vacuole inside the plant cell expands and pushes against the cell wall. The cell wall, being rigid and inflexible, resists this expansion, creating a counter force.

3. This counter force exerted by the cell wall against the expanding vacuole is called turgor pressure. Turgor pressure keeps the cell wall stretched and provides structural support to the plant cell.

4. Turgor pressure is responsible for maintaining the plant's upright posture and rigidity. It allows plants to maintain their shape and provides strength to the plant tissues.

In summary, the cell wall acts as a rigid boundary that resists the expansion of the vacuole, creating turgor pressure. This pressure allows plant cells to maintain their shape, rigidity, and supports the overall structure of the plant.