what would i put in this to clarify it to be a pronoun?

Director Ted Kline's new movie, which didn't feature any stars, was finally released last May. This was a surprise.

Was the new movie a surprise? Or was its release date a surprise? Or was the lack of stars a surprise?

Director Ted Kline's new movie, which didn't feature any stars, was finally released last May. The fact it was released was a surprise.


Director Ted Kline's new movie, which didn't feature any stars, was finally released last May. This was a surprise.

To clarify the pronoun in the given sentence, you can replace it with the noun it is referring to. In this case, the pronoun "this" is referring to the surprising release of Director Ted Kline's new movie. To clarify it, you can replace "this" with "the surprising release of Director Ted Kline's new movie." The sentence would then read:

"The surprising release of Director Ted Kline's new movie, which didn't feature any stars, was finally released last May. The surprising release of Director Ted Kline's new movie was a surprise."