Ted Andrews bought 15 shares of Clark Company stock at $14.875. He sold them a month later at $20.375. What was his profit? Please help!! :) Thanks to everyone who helps!





Answers for the test just took it--------------------------------------------------------------

1.In order to solve the problem 0.000027 ÷ 0.000009, the following steps must be followed for proper understanding.

Firstly, we will convert each decimal into its standard form.

For 0.000027 in standard form= 2.7×10^-5(note that the decimal point has been shifted 5times to the front hence the reason for multiplying the resulting value by 10^-5).

Similarly, 0.000009 in standard form is 9×10^-6

0.000027 ÷ 0.000009 = 2.7×10^-5/9×10^-6

In indices, the division of the powers of 10 will become subtraction, therefore;


= 2.7/9 × 10^(-5-(-6))

= 0.3×10^(-5-(-6))

= 0.3×10^-5+6

= 0.3×10^1

= 0.3×10

= 3

3. 17/25
4. 1/4
6. 3.2 x 10 6
7. 1.2 x 10 8
8. 1/6
9. $82.50
10. 3.87 x 10 -6
11. 4.5
12. Mexico
13. 0.000857
14. 3.141592...
15 1/3
16. 0.16 repeating
17. 2 5/8
18. -52/63
19. 19/65
20. 1 4/9
21. -1/9
22. 21/22
23. 2
24. 3/5
25. --------do on your own--------

100% correct

it's D

What is

15(20.375 - 14.875) ?

Reiny's not asking for more info. He just wants you to do some of the work, rather than just providing the answer. Just evaluate the expression and it should be the same as one of the choices.

:( Which one did I get wrong cuz i remember getting 100%

Ms. Sue has passed away a year or two ago

And thank you Reiny!!:)

:( I listened to you and got a bad grade

Guys that dude who gave away the answers is completely wrong

the questions are switched btw