The wavelength of the electromagnetic waves is 200 nm. Which of following regions does it belong to?

visible light region

ultra violet region

infrared region

x ray region

Wouldn't it fall into the UV Region? Just wanna confirm

ultra violet region

Yes, you are correct. The wavelength of 200 nm belongs to the ultraviolet (UV) region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

To determine which region of the electromagnetic spectrum a wavelength of 200 nm belongs to, you can refer to the standard classification of the spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is typically divided into different regions based on wavelength or frequency.

In the visible light region, wavelengths range from approximately 400 nm to 700 nm. Since the given wavelength of 200 nm falls below this range, it is not part of the visible light region.

Moving from shorter wavelengths to longer wavelengths, the ultraviolet (UV) region comes after the visible light region. The ultraviolet region typically spans from around 10 nm to 400 nm. As the given wavelength of 200 nm falls within this range, it belongs to the ultraviolet region.

Therefore, your assertion that the wavelength of 200 nm falls into the UV region is correct.