Contrast the metric units of distance, time, and speed. Describe the relationship between them.

To contrast the metric units of distance, time, and speed, let's first take a look at the individual units:

1. Distance:
The metric unit for distance is the meter (m). It represents the length between two points or how far an object has traveled. For longer distances, kilometer (km) is commonly used, where 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters.

2. Time:
The metric unit for time is the second (s). It measures the duration or interval between events. It can be used to measure short durations like milliseconds (ms) or longer durations like hours (h) or days (d).

3. Speed:
Speed is the measure of how quickly an object moves with respect to a given distance and time. The metric unit for speed is meters per second (m/s). It calculates how many meters an object covers in one second. Kilometers per hour (km/h) is also commonly used for speed in everyday situations.

Now, let's explore the relationship between these units:

Distance and Time Relationship:
- Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken.
- Mathematically, Speed (m/s) = Distance (m) / Time (s).
- As distance increases, the time taken to cover that distance also increases.
- Similarly, if the time taken to cover a distance decreases, then the speed at which the distance is covered increases.

Speed and Time Relationship:
- Speed is inversely proportional to time.
- If the speed is constant, then the greater the time taken to cover a specific distance, the slower the speed will be.
- Conversely, if the time taken to cover a distance decreases, the speed will increase.

To summarize, distance measures the length between two points, time measures the duration of events, and speed represents how quickly an object covers a specific distance in a given time.