Write a number sentence for the model. Let one white tile equal +1 and one black tile equal –1.

A. –14 – (–6) = –8

B. 14 – 6 = 8

C. –14 – 6 = –8

D. –14 – (–6) = 8
i put d but it was rong

it has a picture with it but it wont past to the page

Write a number sentence for the model. Let one white tile equal +1 and one black tile equal –1.

A. –14 – (–6) = –8

B. 14 – 6 = 8

C. –14 – 6 = –8

D. –14 – (–6) = 8
i put d but it was rong

me to then i found out it was a

Yep. The answer is A. I have done this test.

Here's what is wrong:
B. Is completely wrong because remember there are NEGATIVE tiles too. And in this equation there are more NEGATIVE tiles than positive.
C. Has the wrong product; It would be -20 NOT -8.
D. Has the wrong product; It would be -8. When subtracting NEGATIVE numbers, the answer will be NEGATIVE. Unless the number that you subtracted had a bigger sum than the 1st number, then, the answer would be POSITIVE. But in this question, it's MOST definitely NEGATIVE.

its C

To find the correct number sentence for the given model, we need to understand the rules assigned to the tiles. In this case, one white tile is equal to +1, and one black tile is equal to -1.

Let's break down the options provided:

A. -14 - (-6) = -8
Here, the subtraction is correct, but the result does not match the model's interpretation of the tiles. The model assigns +1 for a white tile and -1 for a black tile, but this number sentence results in -8, which is not consistent with that pattern.

B. 14 - 6 = 8
This option does not take into account the model's interpretation of the tiles. It simply subtracts 6 from 14, which is not relevant to the given model.

C. -14 - 6 = -8
This option subtracts 6 from -14, and the result matches the interpretation of the tiles. This option is using the correct subtraction operation but the incorrect model interpretation.

D. -14 - (-6) = 8
This is the correct number sentence. It subtracts -6 from -14, which results in 8. This aligns with the model's interpretation of the tiles, where a white tile is +1 and a black tile is -1.

Therefore, the correct number sentence for the given model is D. -14 - (-6) = 8.