In "The people could fly" what opposing forces struggle against eachother. And what is the main conflict in the story?

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What is the main conflict in the people could fly?

What was the conflict in "The People Could Fly.

In the story "The People Could Fly," written by Virginia Hamilton, there are several opposing forces that struggle against each other. The primary conflict in the story is between the enslaved African people and their oppressors, the slaveholders.

To understand this conflict, it is essential to analyze the historical context of slavery. In the United States, during the time of slavery, African people were subjected to the injustice and cruelty of being enslaved. They were forcibly taken from their homes in Africa, separated from their families, and made to work under brutal conditions on plantations.

"The People Could Fly" tells the story of African people who possessed the magic ability to fly, both literally and figuratively. This power symbolizes their resilience, hope, and desire for freedom. The main conflict arises from the enslaved people's yearning for liberation, contrasting with the slaveholders' desire to maintain control and uphold their oppressive system.

Throughout the story, the enslaved people endure physical and emotional abuse, facing the constant threat of punishment and death. Their struggle against the slaveholders represents the larger struggle for freedom, dignity, and human rights. By embracing their supernatural gift of flight, the people strive to overcome the constraints of their circumstances and transcend their oppressors.

It is through this central conflict that the story explores themes of resistance, perseverance, and the fight for liberation. By understanding the historical context and the symbolism within the narrative, we can appreciate the depth and significance of the opposing forces and the primary conflict in "The People Could Fly."