About 7/10 of the US population in 1991, which was 175,104,000, believed that look before you leap was true, what was the total population?

what is 10/7 of 175,104,000 ?

Compatible number for 7 and 56


To find the total population based on the given information, we need to use proportions. We know that 7/10 (or 0.7) of the US population in 1991 believed that "look before you leap" was true, which corresponds to 175,104,000 people.

Let's set up the proportion:

(0.7 / 1) = (175,104,000 / x)

To solve for 'x,' we can cross-multiply and then divide:

0.7 * x = 1 * 175,104,000

0.7x = 175,104,000

Dividing both sides by 0.7, we get:

x = 175,104,000 / 0.7

x ≈ 250,148,571

Therefore, the total population in the US in 1991 would be approximately 250,148,571.