you are driving to a vacation spot that is 1500 miles away. Including rest stops, it takes you 42 hours to get to the vacation spot. You estimate that you drove at an average speed of 50 miles per hour. How many hours were you not driving?

1500 / 50 = 30

You drove for 30 hours and were not driving for 12 hours.


You're welcome.

To find the number of hours you were not driving, we can subtract the total driving time from the total time taken for the trip.

Total driving time = 42 hours

Now, let's calculate the total time taken for the trip.
Distance = 1500 miles
Average speed = 50 miles per hour

To find the total time, we can divide the distance by the average speed:

Total time = Distance / Average speed
Total time = 1500 miles / 50 miles per hour
Total time = 30 hours

Now, to find the number of hours you were not driving, we subtract the total driving time (42 hours) from the total time taken for the trip (30 hours):

Number of hours not driving = Total time - Total driving time
Number of hours not driving = 30 hours - 42 hours
Number of hours not driving = -12 hours

Since we cannot have negative time, it means that the given information is inconsistent. Please double-check the information provided or clarify any additional details necessary.